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Lesson 26
You Can Forgive

  1. Will God allow you to be tempted above your ability?

    I Corinthians 10:13
    “There hath no temptation you but such as is to man: but God is , who will not suffer you to be above that ye are ; but will with the temptation also make a way to , that ye may be able to it.”

    I confided to my nephew, “I just can’t forgive Grandma,” but as soon as I said it, I thought again. I said, “Yes I can. He will not suffer you to be tempted above that ye are able, then I can.” And as soon as I believed this promise, I could forgive. There is power in the promises of the Bible.

    And there is happiness too. It was greatly to my advantage to forgive my mother and go happily ahead loving her and doing everything I could for her as long as she lived.